Biochemical features of organic extractives from Eucalyptus and Corymbia woods using ethanol as a solvent
Chemical characteristics, condensed tannins, natural extractives, ethanol extraction, infraredAbstract
The objective of this study is to evaluate chemical characteristics, as well as antioxidant and antibacterial activities of organic compounds extracted from three Eucalyptus woods and Corymbia maculate wood using ethanol as a solvent. To obtain the ethanolic extracts, 15 g of a powdered wood sample was mixed with 150 mL of ethyl alcohol 99 % PA by constant mechanical stirring, which was further magnetically mixed at 60 ºC for 24 h. The extractives were analyzed by means of percent yield, Fourier-transform infrared spectrum, inhibitory index (measured after antimicrobial tests), antioxidant activity, and condensed tannins content. The Eucalyptus dunnii extract showed the highest percent yield. The infrared spectra of all the extractives presented similar profiles, with remarkable bands ascribed to the presence of lipophilic extracts, sterols, fatty acids, and other hydroxylated substances, such as carbohydrates and phenolic compounds. In all cases, the higher the concentration of the extractive was, the higher the antioxidant activity was. The antioxidant activity of Eucalyptus saligna extract stood out since overcame that of the positive control (ascorbic acid). Regarding the condensed tannins content, that extract from Eucalyptus grandis excelled.
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