Cutting energy required during the mechanical processing of wood species at different drying stages


  • Taiane Oliveira Guedes
  • José Reinaldo Moreira da Silva
  • Paulo Ricardo Gherardi Hein
  • Silvia Costa Ferreira


Basic density, CNC, energy analyzer, moisture content, wood processing


The aim of this study was to know the variation profile of the specific energy consumption required to cut woods with varying densities and moisture contents. Therefore, peripheral cuts were performed in the longitudinal direction of the grain with numerical control controlled by Computational Numerical Command in woods of different densities, established at different drying stages. An energy analyzer, capable of calculate the specific energy consumed during the wood processing, was used to measure the energy information. The results indicated that the higher the wood density, the greater the positive influence of the moisture content on the specific cutting energy. In the anhydrous condition, the higher the wood density, the higher the cutting energy. With increased moisture content, less cutting power was required during the wood processing. Therefore, it was possible to conclude that during the milling type mechanical processing of wood, moisture content has a great influence on the specific cutting energy consumption.



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How to Cite

Oliveira Guedes, T., Moreira da Silva, J. R., Gherardi Hein, P. R., & Costa Ferreira, S. (2020). Cutting energy required during the mechanical processing of wood species at different drying stages. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 22(4), 477–482. Retrieved from




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