Implementation of the AES strategy in a Regional University: the experience of the PACE Program of La Serena University
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Advancing towards equity in the admission to higher education, underlies a challenge to move forward to social justice. As a consequence, transition support programs play a significant role for cognitive, attitudinal, know-how and values development, which allows the effective insertion with the purpose of achieving the graduating competences proposed in an undergraduate degree. This paper, intends to present the work system used in the Accompaniment Program for Higher Education (AHE) within the PACE Program of La Serena University, in a way that may contribute to strengthen the implementation of similar transition support programs, in any of the 31 Institutions of higher education that have implemented this program in Chile, or in any institution which is starting a transition support process. A significant reflection is that programs focused on setting timely supporting mechanisms for students coming from vulnerable contexts involve the delivery of tools that promote justice and their own social mobility, which enhances the possibilities of achieving a better quality of life.
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