Association between collaborative work, learning by observation and modeling in the improvement of pedagogical practices

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Pablo Melo Moreno
Mónica Mendoza Barra
Cristhian Pérez Villalobos


This research aims to analyze the teaching perception on sociocultural elements associated with the improvement of their pedagogical practices in the Metropolitan Region. It emerged from the current theoretical gap regarding the existence of an explanatory model on the role that learning by observation, modeling and collaborative work occupies in the improvement of pedagogical practices. The research is qualitative, and is carried out with the theoretical methodological approach of Grounded Theory, by conducting six interviews with teachers. The results are presented at a descriptive and axial relational level, highlighting in the latter, the development of an initial explanatory model of how the modification of pedagogical practices from collaborative learning occurs.

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How to Cite
Melo Moreno, P., Mendoza Barra, M., & Pérez Villalobos, C. (2020). Association between collaborative work, learning by observation and modeling in the improvement of pedagogical practices. Revista Reflexión E Investigación Educacional, 3(1), 75–86.


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