Examining adaptations to Check In Check Out (CICO) intervention in school contexts: A systematic review

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Nicolle Vásquez Moreno
Manuel Monzalve Macaya


Behavior is an important aspect of the development of all organisms, since it is an inherent component, shaped by the interaction with the context and that provides characteristics of the behavior of individuals. At present, in school contexts, it is recurrent to observe that students are presenting severe difficulties in their behaviors, for which a series of programs have been created and implemented both to prevent and to support behavioral problems and thus improve performance school climate and academic achievement. One of them is the well-known Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS) model, which consists of three levels of intervention. The purpose of this study was to carry out a review of scientific articles that address the adaptations made to the traditional Check in Check out (CICO) method corresponding to level 2 of PBIS. For this work, the research method that has been carried out corresponds to a documentary analysis of a systematic review type, with an observation technique, where a series of investigations have been compiled that show the types of adaptations and the areas that they address. The results indicate the viability of adaptations to traditional CICO and their great utility before discarding CICO and giving way to level 3 interventions, thus concluding that the CICO method and its adaptations are a good implementation strategy in any school context worldwide.

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How to Cite
Vásquez Moreno, N., & Monzalve Macaya, M. (2022). Examining adaptations to Check In Check Out (CICO) intervention in school contexts: A systematic review. Revista Reflexión E Investigación Educacional, 4(1), 100–112. https://doi.org/10.22320/reined.v4i1.5497
Author Biographies

Nicolle Vásquez Moreno, Instituto Andrés Bello de Talca

Profesora de Educación Especial. Magíster en Educación Especial y Psicopedagogía

Manuel Monzalve Macaya, Universidad Católica del Maule

Profesor de Educación Especial. Magíster en Educación Especial y Psicopedagogía. Doctor en Educación Especial


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