Differences in school anxiety, self-esteem and perfectionism according to school level and sex in Chilean primary school students

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Nelly Lagos San Martín
Maritza Palma Luengo


This study is carried out with the aim of analyzing the school anxiety, self-esteem and perfectionism shown by primary education children, establishing differences regarding gender and school level. The participants were 498 students of 5th and 6th grade belonging to 7 educational centers from Ñuble Region, Chile. School anxiety was evaluated with the Visual Analogue Scale for Anxiety-Revised (VAAR). Self-esteem was evaluated with the Self-Esteem Inventory for Primary Education (SEI-P) and perfectionism with the Spanish version of the Child and Adolescent Perfectionism Scale (CAPS). Regarding the school level, there are statistical differences in anxiety levels, the scores are higher in the children of the 5th grade, but in the III domain of self-esteem and considering the total score of perfectionism, students from 6th grade obtain higher scores. Similarly, the results based on gender indicate that the in terms of Critical Self-Oriented Perfectionism and the total perfectionism, boys obtain statistically significant higher scores than girls. These results reflect the complexity of the measured variables and allow to project situated and contextualized psychoeducational interventions.

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How to Cite
Lagos San Martín, N., & Palma Luengo, M. (2018). Differences in school anxiety, self-esteem and perfectionism according to school level and sex in Chilean primary school students. Revista Reflexión E Investigación Educacional, 1(1), 57–69. https://doi.org/10.22320/reined.v1i1.3405


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