Prospective evaluation of learning in university students

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Carlos Ossa Cornejo


An academic experience with university students is presented, it was centered on an evaluation format according to Vigostky's concept of learning potential. We worked with 13 third-year students of Psychology at a university in the Biobío region, 6 men and 7 women. An initial evaluation was applied based on a content guideline, which served as a baseline, which was socialized with the students and allowed establishing lines of improvement in the responses; later, the students were individually and online oriented to strengthen their responses and deepen their learning. Finally, the same evaluation was applied again, based on the previous information, with a rubric that incorporated content and performance aspects. The result showed moderate improvements in content and performance management in most students. It is concluded that the students are not prepared even for the level of autonomous and self-regulated learning that this procedure implies, since they are mainly concerned with the grade and responding to the expectations of the teacher.

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How to Cite
Ossa Cornejo, C. (2020). Prospective evaluation of learning in university students. Revista Reflexión E Investigación Educacional, 3(1), 163–171.
Experiencias Pedagógicas


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