Virtual cultural exchange between students from Bio-Bio University and Grand Valley State Univeristy (GVSU)

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Florencia Casanova Luna
Nelly Lagos San Martín
Michael Vrooman


A virtual cultural exchange pilot experience. The program was promoted by the Spanish Program for Foreigners and the Department of Arts and Letters of the University of Bío-Bío. This initiative was developed within the framework of an international cooperation agreement between the Universidad del Bío-Bío (UBB) and Grand Valley State University (GVSU). The objective of this initiative was to generate cultural exchange to promote motivation in learning English as a foreign language. By using thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006) the data produced with the students was organized and analyzed. The assessment collected from satisfaction surveys answered by students from both institutions indicated that the experience met expectations. It favored cultural exchange between students who positively valued this experience, mainly aspects related to the optimization of opportunities offered by the technology in these difficult times. It is therefore anticipated that this initiative will be repeated and will add more students and teachers.

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How to Cite
Casanova Luna, F., Lagos San Martín, N., & Vrooman, M. (2021). Virtual cultural exchange between students from Bio-Bio University and Grand Valley State Univeristy (GVSU). Revista Reflexión E Investigación Educacional, 3(2), 153–162.
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