Waste management in the province of Ñuble, Chile. The CITA Ecobio landfill in Chillán Viejo


  • Francisca Ramos Morales
  • Juan Rivas Maldonado Universidad del Bío-Bío




Waste, Landfill, Environment, Territory, Institutions


When reviewing the situation of the CITA HERA ECOBIO landfill, the destination of household waste, dangerous and non-hazardous industrial waste in the town of Llollinco commune of Chillán Viejo, there are situations that highlight the complexity of waste management for communities of the province of Ñuble, impacting the rural and agricultural sense of the territory. The study structures an analysis based on international methodologies to characterize its state according to the location and context of the structure's installation, evidencing that its state has been becoming the construction of an environmental liability that shows the institutional, regulatory and supervisory deficiencies And the characteristics of society as a whole, making it clear that environmental care is a responsibility that we have to assume all through recycling and composting for the achievement of the development and the reach of a good living.


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How to Cite

Ramos Morales, F., & Rivas Maldonado, J. (2016). Waste management in the province of Ñuble, Chile. The CITA Ecobio landfill in Chillán Viejo. Tiempo Y Espacio, (37), 24–41. https://doi.org/10.22320/rte.vi37.3252


